
Written 02/01/2025

So back in September 2024 I had the frankly incredibly intelligent idea to embark on a year long project to learn about different female artists and taking inspiration from them. (The sort of thing that I did for my art GCSE but at the time didn't understand the importance of - of the follies of youth!)

But I didn't want to just DO it, I wanted to document it somewhere online (partly for motivation, and so I could hopefully share what I'd done with more than just my partner and maybe my family)

Initially I considered making a Wordpress blog (or repurposing an old one I have from when I was a teenager - that I will NOT be linking to since it is a bit embarassing lol) but then I read Nora Reed'sWebsite Manifestoand that really inspired me to make my own website! I decided to start with Neocities for now since it seemed the simplest setup :)

So this is my art journey for 2025, I hope you enjoy!